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Hi, I'm Aram

I'm a life coach, a wilderness guide, and a minister of spiritual formation.

I started Confluence Formation to help you thrive in all of life's changes.

Whether you are:

  • seeking change to help you grow

  • navigating change in the midst of life, or

  • making change for a better world

I'm here for you.

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Here's how I can help you thrive


I can help you get past the obstacles that are blocking you from thriving.


Join a community of reflection and renewal to stay afloat in the rapids of life.


Follow my writings and join me in the practice of paying attention in a wild world.

More about me (and some about you)

We begin in the parking lot of our dreams. At the trailhead everything is possible. We contain multitudes. Each of us is a vibrant ecology of being, poised on the wild edge of our distinct process of becoming more fully ourselves.

So—brave and curious—we set out from the parking lot, into the dynamic wilderness of that process. Into our relationships. Our work. Our growth. Our calling. Sometimes plodding, sometimes singing, we traipse through each passing day and each season of change.


Along the way the terrain grows more and more wild, and so do we. Those parking lot dreams get tempered by lived realities. But still, it’s there: The reason we set out in the first place. We are moving through the wilderness of change to become who we were born to be.


I'm Aram Mitchell. At heart, I’m a wilderness guide. For twenty years I have been taking people to places where encounters with wildness and experiences of spiritual formation flow together. I’ve done this in the back country, in forests and canyons, along coasts and rivers. And I’ve done it in boardrooms, houses of worship, classrooms, and living rooms.


I've worked as a nonprofit director, a minister, a teacher and facilitator. In each manifestation of my vocation, I have aimed to consistently encourage people in their formation, rooting for them to become the fullest, truest versions of themselves. I still do that. I love doing that.


Encouragement is a powerful elixir. But I want to do more than encourage you. I want to walk alongside of you as you navigate your way through the wilderness of life. I want to help you thrive through change.

Aram Mitchell combines three rare qualities (among many others).
First, he is an amazing listener and asker of meaningful questions.
Second, he is an inspiring person. Being in his presence, you feel empowered to listen to your heart and reach for your dreams.
And third, he is spiritually sensitive. He gets a feel for where people are and where they're coming from, and helps them discern where to go next. I'm glad for his presence in my life.

Brian D. McLaren

author, teacher, activist

My experience and training

When you follow someone in the wilderness—proverbial or literal—you should know that they have what it takes to see you through. Here are some of my experiences and trainings that have prepared me, and continue to equip me, to help you thrive through change.


I am engaged in professional life coach training through the Academy for Coaching Excellence (ACE), an accredited training program of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The ACE coaching model integrates ancient wisdom and neuroscience into an elegant, pragmatic, transformational framework. With my coaching practice, I’m taking the tools of this model, along with my experience as a wilderness guide and a minister of spiritual formation, to support you in moving past whatever is getting in the way of your creative flow and full thriving.


Along with twenty years and over 400 nights of backcountry wilderness guiding, I served for five years at the helm of Renewal in the Wilderness, a Maine-based nonprofit organization that was committed to helping the helpers by guiding retreats of spiritual renewal in the outdoors. I have walked alongside hundreds of people, helping them to pause when life overwhelms them with hurry; teaching them to saunter in the woods, through canyons, in city parks and public preserves.​


I have a Masters degree in Religious Studies from Chicago Theological Seminary, where I focused my learning on the ways that our embodied connection with the earth informs our spiritual growth and our vocational efforts. I am a certified Wilderness First Responder and Registered Maine Guide, equipped to manage the risks and amplify the joys of time spent among the elements of wild nature.

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